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Envirohemp has hired external facilities to conduct tests for advanced refinement of carbon particle size in a continuous fashion. This action is part of the tasks addressing the design of Pre-industrial facilities for the final scale-up of CareSTOR’s innovative production process.

Tests were performed at the premises of the Equipment Manufacturer with headquarters in Germany using mid-scale machinery and processing up to 10 kg of material along with the different test runs. Product particle size distribution was measured on-site after each run.
The technology of refinement tested was found well-suited for the desired application, in line with a previous guidance provided by the manufacturer. The refined carbon matches the SPECs requested by Supercapacitor manufacturers, i.e. particle size distribution with 100% of the particles under 20 microns.

The output of the equipment in use for the given material was only partially established. A second set of runs will be programmed in December for the purposes of fine-tuning of the operational parameters and definition of the maximum output for a SPEC-compliant product.


Image: Carlos Sanchis, R&D Manager of ENVIROHEMP, with technical & sales staff from the Equipment Manufacturer during a visit to the company’s headquarters to supervise the tests.

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